Amelia beach resort

Amelia beach resort

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Water View.


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Amelia beach resort

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Amelia Beach Resort Hotel \u0026 Spa 2023 July

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Сторонний рейтинг. Безалкогольное пребывание Алкоголь запрашивается к удалению из номера гостя при бронировании на этом сайте. Алкоголь может подаваться на остальной территории отеля. Мы возвращаем разницу в цене. Точные цены для всей семьи. Расчет номеров по вместимости. Цены включают налоги и сборы. Велнес и спа. Посмотреть карту. Бассейн 1. Бассейн 2. Beware of masseur Omar Iran. Cool hotel!

Friends, this is our 3rd holiday in Turkey. And what can I say: this hotel is the best! I will try to describe everything in great detail: The buffet food is wonderful, tasty, varied and there is a lot of it!

Amelia beach resort

Various fish that were fried, stewed, grilled; beef stew, fried, stewed with vegetables; chicken fried, stewed, grilled, grilled; fried quails; a lot of vegetables, also cooked in different ways: stewed, fried, boiled, grilled, etc. On the territory there are snack bars where cheese balls, onion rings and potato balls in batter, burgers, various flatbreads and more.

There are a lot of drinks: juices, soft drinks, cocktails, coffee, tea, milk, alcohol, etc. You can eat all the time : leaving one restaurant and going to another, which has already opened on the territory.

Amelia beach resort

Everywhere Flowers! Just a huge number of different roses and so on! Cleaned constantly on the territory, in the rooms, at the tables! Just all the time! Every day change of towels, linen and mopping, cleaning! All tablecloths are changed constantly - after each guest! The waiters are like Maya bees, keep clean!

They will help you in everything! Animals on the territory! There are 2 camels, peacocks, ducks, chickens, roosters and so on! The hotel has everything! All questions at the hotel are resolved immediately!

Amelia, Avelina and Akim beach vacation adventure

This is the best hotel we have ever stayed in! The food is good, you will not go hungry, there is a choice. Many Russians are the only negative. We were given a 3-bed room, although there were two of us, next to the restaurant, they cleaned every day.

Safe is paid 1. The fridge in the room was filled every day, two types of water and juices. Good hotel, sea through cool underpass. We stayed 10 days in this hotel, in general, the hotel was pleasant. The territory is large but compact, everything is nearby and the pool and the sea.

There were plenty of loungers everywhere. The rooms are also large, good, our room overlooked the side, from the balcony you can see the sea in the distance, but the hoods hummed downstairs, which did not bother us, as they turned on the air conditioner, which did not work if the balcony doors were not closed.

The sea is super-clean, warm, the sunset is not bad, there is also a pier, there were waves almost all the days, we jumped, rolled, got a lot of fun. But the food is sad, everything was seafood and shrimp and fish, but it was not cooked tasty. And they were clearly not hungry. There are almost no animations at all. Sea products no. They said that it was over and this is with ultra all inclusive. Regarding the settlement, they said to wait until The numbers showed up right away. We were given a key card and we were in the coveted room.

The key is issued one per room. As soon as you leave the room, the air conditioning and refrigerator immediately turn off. The attitude towards Russians is not very good.

Here they lick the Germans ass to the fullest. Look funny. I turned to one and asked why such an attitude towards the Russians, because there are a lot of our tourists here. This is a five star hotel. I will never go to this hotel again, and I will tell everyone I know not to go here. Excellent hotel. Good afternoon! The hotel is super, we met well, the food is super, the accommodation is super, for children entertainment is done every day by animators, in the evening every day entertainment programs, minus only the beach and everything else is super, I advise the hotel.

If you have the opportunity not to go to this hotel, then use it. The hotel is supposedly the first line, but it is positioned as a four-star plus, since the hotel building and its sea beach are separated by the Antalya-Alanya highway. And from it there is a noise around the clock. With its facade, the hotel building is directed almost in a semicircle towards the motorway and is located at a distance of about fifty meters from the motorway. Inside this semi-circle is a large swimming pool, a bar and endless loud music from morning to evening for all rooms overlooking the pool.

The feature of the hotel is that everyone who arrives at the hotel from the countries of the former USSR is given an orange bracelet on their arm, and a blue one from Europe. So for all personnel you are specific! And from them after But I did not observe such a fact. Pour blue as well as orange without restrictions and payment. All strong drinks produced in Turkey have a different name, but in fact it is ordinary vodka. The only Raki vodka has the distinctive taste of Alteika. There were several poisonings in children.

All meat for some reason is very dry and badly chewed. The waiters first pay attention to the blue ones, and to us the orange ones - only after an urgent request.

Sea beach black sand and pebbles. They clean up badly. There is everything lying around there, especially empty beer glasses and cigarette butts.

The beaches of other hotels are several kilometers in both directions. There is nothing around the hotel. To Managavt by bus and per person take a dollar.